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Jacob's Creek Classic Grenache Shiraz 750ml

Jacob's Creek Classic range offers fresh, great tasting wines across a wide selection of popular varieties and blends. A classic blend made contemporary, Jacob's Creek Classic Grenache Shiraz is approachable with vibrant fruit on both the palate and the nose. With a lively nose of lifted red berries and subtle spice, this is a light-bodied wine with plenty of rich, juicy berry fruits which are given structure by smooth, soft tannins.

Pepperjack Malbec 750ml

Aromas of violets, spice, ripe blueberries and boysenberry, with hints of mocha oak following through to a rich, round, and textural palate with flavours of ripe raspberries, satsuma plums and red currants, with subtle mouth filling cocoa powdery tannins.

Peter Lehmann The Barossan Grenache 750ml

A medium-bodied wine with flavours of juicy berries and soft tannins, exotic subtleties of pomegranate and rose.

Squealing Pig Tempranillo 750ml

This Squealing Pig Tempranillo is fantastically drinkable, with verve and minerality. With bright cherry and forest fruits lifting out of the glass, this wine is medium-bodied and bursting with red fruit flavours. This wine is ready to drink now with something suitably Spanish like Paella.

St Hugo Signature Collection Grenache Shiraz Mataro 750ml

At St Hugo, they craft wines that exude power and elegance, embodying the essence of their rich winemaking heritage. St Hugo have selected the premier examples of their low yielding Grenache, Shiraz and Mataro vines to make this full bodied, and delightfully plush wine. The nose is beautifully aromatic, floral notes are nicely balanced by rich Turkish delight. On the palate, ripe fruit notes and subtle oak are beautifully hung of rich and fine tannin. Raspberry and blackberry are balanced perfectly with earthier and oaken notes, ending with gentle notes of raisins and almonds. This is a dangerously easy wine to drink, and perfectly highlights the capability of the Barossa Valley to produce stunning, lighter red wines.

Taylors Estate Tempranillo 750ml

A variety made famous in Spain, this is a medium-bodied wine with seductive flavours of maraschino cherry, plums and subtle spice along with well integrated savoury oak. There is a pleasing soft and silky texture to the mid palate and the wine has a long, persistent finish.

Taylors Jaraman Grenache 750ml

This is a lighter style red wine with juicy red fruit flavours of raspberry and strawberry along with hints of cinnamon spice.

Te Mata Estate Gamay Noir 750ml

Aromas of black cherry, wild strawberry and star anise. The palate is soft and pillowy with a racing-stripe of boysenberry ripple through it. There are dark roses, raspberries, and notes of sandalwood and liquorice.
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