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Main Divide Pinot Gris 750ml

It is deep lemon in colour, with an expansive bouquet filled with aromas of pear drops, feijoa, spice and floral notes. On the palate it is full-bodied and unctuous, with a tangy hint of ginger. The earlier picked fruit adds freshness and satisfying acidity, while the late picked portion and lees ageing have increased the mouth feel and complexity of this wine.

Main Divide Riesling 750ml

A portion of nobly botrytic fruit has produced a distinctive style of wine. It has a core of citrus fruit characters, particularly lemons and limes, but there is also an undercurrent of white fleshed peaches and nectarines. The botrytis has added hints of honeysuckle and also given the wine extra concentration and richness. A seam of natural acidity and minerality flows through the wine and gives it an off-dry finish length and zest.

Main Divide Rosé 750ml

Salmon pink in colour with fragrant aromas of strawberries and red currents. On the palate it is dry and finely textured, with fresh and vibrant minerality.

Main Divide Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

The wine shows a complex interplay of tropical fruit characters with elements of passion-fruit, mango and paw paw, supported by impressions of ripe gooseberries and dried herbs. It is fruity and mouth filling but yet has a refreshing spine of crisp acidity which keeps it focussed and helps draw out its length.

Matawhero Single Vineyard Chardonnay 750ml

Aromas of ripe melon and peach abound with butterscotch and fig notes. The palate is rich, with ripe fruits, showcasing peach flavours and an inherent creaminess, and a lingering bright finish.

Matawhero Single Vineyard Gewürztraminer 750ml

Pale straw with hints of gold. An exotic rose petal, clove, lychee and star anise notes. Clean fruit-driven style, rich and full with lychee, Turkish delight, spice and ginger notes. A broad wine that persists well.

Matawhero Single Vineyard Pinot Gris 750ml

The Pinot Gris is a pale straw colour with a hint of gold. A fragrant wine with jasmine, almond and pear notes. Palate is full-bodied wine with spice, pear, fig and honeysuckle favours. The wine is soft, voluptuous and very drinkable. Food Match - Fish, chicken, pork dishes or Japanese food. Vegan Friendly.

Matawhero Single Vineyard Rosé 750ml

A lovely light salmon colour with hints of pink. Bursting with strawberries, cherries and subtle floral notes. A lovely aperitif style or easily enjoyed with summer salads and seafood.

Matawhero Single Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Pale straw colour with a hint of gold. This Gisborne Sauvignon Blanc has aromas of tropical fruit, passion fruit and subtle herbaceousness. The palate displays flavours of melon, dried herb and subtle passionfruit. The wine finishes with a richness and fullness seen only in good Sauvignon Blanc. Enjoy with summer salads and varied seafood cuisine. Vegan Friendly.

McArthur Ridge Falls Dam Pinot Gris 750ml

From Falls Dam, the reservoir delivering the life's blood, pure glacial feed waters ensure McArthur Ridge vineyards exceptional vibrancy. Located in the heart of this unforgiving mountainous region Central Otago sits the expansive vineyard of McArthur Ridge. The cool climate and gently sloping Brassknocker soils combine to deliver what some consider to be amongst the finest vineyards in the world for growing Pinot. Expressions of limes, crunchy apples, white peach, lychee, and wildflower aromatics, leading to a flint minerality. Finishes with a deeply rich textured palate, loads of elegance and poise.

McArthur Ridge Lilico Pinot Noir Rosé 750ml

The colour is perfect, the fruit is perfect, the finish is perfection. Everything is in place for one of the outstanding Rosé wines of the year. Medium dry with touches of strawberry, apricot & watermelon. Delicious! Expect this wine to reward immediate consumption.

McGuigan Private Bin Chardonnay 750ml

The Private Bin series has been inspired by the McGuigan family tradition to always share a special family wine with their guest. This Chardonnay features a rich, smooth and creamy palate with sweet tropical fruit and melon flavours. It is a nicely balanced wine with a touch of caramel oak integrated with tropical melon and rich stone fruit flavours. The finish is clean and crisp with a delicate lingering presence.
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